Freeride and backcountry are kinds of hiking, but with skis or snowboards. Form season to season riding the ski resorts, people are fed up the routine of their trails and willing to try something new, to get bright emotions.
“… There comes a long-waited moment, and now you rush down the hill, forgetting about the past and the future, you are in the present, perceiving everything that surrounds you. You are absolutely free, and at that condition you take in deep catharsis. Every rider knows that feeling when you’re in motion, feel alive in that time and realize that life happens for this moment! After skiing down the hill, you turn back at the line drawing by yourself and exult. The adrenaline in your body brim over of all thinkable limits. You are overwhelmed by joy and happiness. The day was not in vain, because the backcountry is life in motion, without prejudices and conventions “(Sergey Ivanovskiy)
We offer several options of routes for you. The first 3 most available routes in our mountains.
№1 Kok Zhailau, Panorama and mount Three Brothers

Kok Zhailau is a rather vast plateau that is edged by the ridge Kumbel from the south, where is the homonymous mountain 3,220 m high and mount Three Brothers (2,860 m). You can get on Kok Zhailau from the east “Prosveshenets” bus-stop (rapid ascent) and the west – Kazachka Gorge (gentle ascent). The length of both trails – 5 km. In winter from both sides there are trails. In the second half of the winter there is no permanent trail to Mount Three Brothers because of a large amount of snow. There is a ridge to the north from Kumbel mount, which is ended by top of 2,650 m high. Local tourists named it Panorama. Descent is possible here, too. In general freeride routes are quite simple, except mount Three Brothers and other northern slopes of the ridge Kumbel.
There are three main routes:
I Kok Zhailau
Kok Zhailau is the most simple, is more suitable for ski tour.
Walking time to the highest point 2-3 hours.
Distance 3,5-5,0 km.
Drop from 2,250 to 1,700 m.
The maximum slope 20%.
Season: 1.12.-10.03. (20.03.)

II Panorama.
The difficulty consists in the long ascent to the highest point of descent.
Walking time to the highest point 4-5 hours.
Distance 6,5-8,0 km
Drop from 2,650 to 1,700 m.
Maximum slope 35%.
Season: 1.12.-28.02. (31.03.).
High danger of avalanches at the end of the season

III Three Brothers. For experienced riders.
Walking time to the highest point 5-6 hours.
Distance 6,0-7,5 km
Drop from 2,860 to 1,700 (1,600) m.
Maximum slope 50%.
Season: 1.12.-28.02. (31.03.).
High danger of avalanches at the end of the season
№2 Komissarovskoe gorge (Kim-Asar)
The gorge is also one of the most popular winter trek. There are 2 variations of descents. The first is on the slopes along the main path to the mount Furmanov – closes top of the Kim-Asar circus. Another option is the descent from a house which is located on the northern slopes of the gorge.
Walking time to the highest point 4-5 hours.
Distance 3,0-4,0 km descent.
Drop from 2,700 to 1,900 m.
The maximum slope 35-40%.
Season: 1.12.-28.02. (31.03.).
High danger of avalanches at the end of the season

№3 Rock of Hope (2 routs)
Rock of Hope is the rock, located in a branch of Butakovskiy gorge. Of course start of descent does not begin from the rock. It begins from the vast snowy field near the foothill. At the end of the season depth of snow in this place more than 1 meter. After a snowy field there is narrowing and a fairly steep slope. The last part of the descent goes along the path, gradually flatten out to the end.
Walking time to the highest point 4-5 hours.
Distance 3,5-4,5 km
Drop from 2,700 to 1,850 m.
The maximum slope 40-50%.
Season: 1.12.-28.02. (31.03.).
High danger of avalanches at the end of the season

№4 Turgen Zhaylau
It’s a very interesting area with great prospects for exploring of new lines for descent. Here a lot of untouched snow for fans of ski touring!
Walking time to the highest point 4-5 hours.
Distance 4,0-5,0 km.
Drop from 2,200 to 1,550 m.
The maximum slope 30-35%.
Season: 1.12.-28.02. (31.03.).
High danger of avalanches at the end of the season

№5 Ski resort “Eliksay”
In the most popular ski resort “Eliksay” we can also offer you a freeride without long climbs, using 2 surface lifts.
Season (20.11.) 1.12.-28.02. (31.03.)
High danger of avalanches at the end of the season
Extras ski-pass on the basis of “Eliksay” $10 for 1 person

Undangerous routes on Kaskelen gorge during the period of high risk of avalanches (February-March)
Only northern part of the slopes in Kaskelen gorge is suitable for skiing (on the high 2000-3000 m)
Amount of snow here is not always a lot, sometimes on average 30-40% less than in Almaty and in the spring the difference can be about 50 %, so the best time for skiing is the end of winter season.
№6 Kaskelen (Aydarys pass, Emegen Gorge)
Walking time to the highest point 5-6 hours.
Distance 4,5-5,5 km.
Drop from 2,800 to 2,150 m.
The maximum slope 50%.
Season: 15.01.-15.03.

№7 Kaskelen (Koktobe mount, Kasymbek gorge)
Walking time to the highest point 4-5 hours.
Distance 3,0 km
Drop from 2750 to 2200 m.
The maximum slope 35-40%.
Season: 15.02.-15.03.